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Is your church interested in becoming more affirming? Perhaps you've considered yourself a welcoming church, but feel that you need more education to be truly affirming. Or perhaps you've been considered a nonwelcoming church, and are ready to embrace your LGBTQ+ family in Christ but aren't sure how to proceed. 


No matter where you are on that journey, our Queer Theology 101 training can help!

What does L,G,B,T,Q, + mean?

To make sure we're all starting with the same base knowledge we'll cover the acronym "LGBTQ+" and answer any questions folks might have on defining these terms. 

Affirming Scripture

We'll take a look at scripture passages that affirm Jesus' love for all - and how we might read these through the lens of affirming LGBTQ+ identities

Church History

To understand how we got here, we take a look back at how the PCUSA has addressed the LGBTQ+ community in the past.


Not a PCUSA church? We will edit this for your denomination.

Nonwelcoming - Affirming

We'll go over the spectrum of churches from nonwelcoming to affirming, and challenge attendees to ponder where their church might lie on this spectrum. 

Clobber Passages

Together, we'll go through some of the so-called "clobber passages". We'll take a look at the historical context of the scripture as well as the translations of these passages, to better understand how we might interpret them in the current day. 

Follow Ups

We also personalized follow up consultations for churches who might want to move themselves towards "affirming". 

Our trainings covers the following topics:

Learn More

If you're interested in this experience, please contact us using the form below. The cost of these trainings start at $1,800 - but if this cost is prohibitive we do have scholarships available. 



Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

Please specify in your message that you are interested in our trainings. 

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